Grant following the Battle of Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. The Confederacy dissolved four years later when Confederate General Robert E. The Army of the Confederacy assaulted Fort Sumter in South Carolina and took it from Union control. Ten more states followed South Carolina in secession and officially formed the Confederate States of America on Mawhen the Confederate Congress ratified its Constitution. The Confederate States were formed from a number of southern states that seceded from the Union, beginning on Decemwith the secession of South Carolina. The Confederate States of America ( CSA or C.S.A.), commonly referred to as the Confederacy, was a pre-War unrecognized secessionist confederal republic existing from 1861-1865.

Deo vindice ” - Under God, our Vindicator, Great Seal of the Confederate States of America