These trademark owners, " IGN elaborates saying "It's a game only for the dedicated, but if you've got the desire and the attention span, it's absolutely worth checking out." Critics also point out that the game engine it uses still has AI glitches like its predecessor. Improving upon its predecessor in almost every way. The series of war action games Armed Assault, known as ARMA, has been developed by the Bohemia Interactive game studio. Chernarus, portrayed in the original A list of ground, air, and aquatic vehicles found in ArmA 2. Wide range of new tutorials, single scenarios and multiplayer modes. Key features: NEW PLAYABLE CONTENT: New story campaign for both SP and MP gameplay. It models real world ballistics & round deflection, thermal imaging, materials penetration, features a realtime day/night cycle and dynamic wind, weather and environmental effects. , ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead uses a customized version of Bohemia Interactive's own Real Virtuality 3 engine.